FBI’s Groundbreaking Testimony: Did Trump Get Grazed by a Bullet or Snagged by Shrapnel?

3 min readJul 26, 2024

In a plot twist worthy of a daytime soap opera, FBI Director Christopher Wray stunned the House Judiciary Committee by suggesting that the July 13th assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump might not have involved a direct hit by a bullet. Instead, Wray posited that it could have been shrapnel that “gently caressed” Trump’s ear. Naturally, this revelation has prompted an uproar, particularly among those who staunchly believe that the former president’s ear was the sole target of a high-powered rifle.

The Great Ear Debate

House Speaker Mike Johnson didn’t mince words in his retort to Wray’s testimony. “We’ve all seen the video,” Johnson declared, “and it’s clear as day that a bullet went straight through his ear. Frankly, the caliber of ear wounds in question doesn’t matter.” Johnson’s comments highlight a significant point: whether it was a bullet or shrapnel, the ear injury’s notoriety remains unimpeachable.

Conspiracy or Incompetence?

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung was quick to dismiss Wray’s claims, labeling them as “conspiracy bulls — -.” Cheung went further, suggesting that anyone entertaining the notion of shrapnel must be either “mentally deficient” or actively…




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