Exclusive Interview with Kim Jong Un: The Man Who Invented Everything (and More)

3 min readSep 2, 2023


Interviewer: Good day, ladies and gentlemen! Today, we have a truly extraordinary guest with us, the one and only Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader of North Korea, inventor extraordinaire, and all-around superhuman! Welcome, Kim Jong Un!

Kim Jong Un: Thank you for having me. It’s not every day that I grace the world with my presence.

Interviewer: Absolutely, Supreme Leader. Let’s dive right in, shall we? First of all, there have been some incredible rumors about your achievements. Could you tell us about your groundbreaking inventions?

Kim Jong Un: Well, you see, I’ve been quite busy. I’ve invented the air, you know, because I wanted the world to breathe freely, thanks to my generosity. I also invented electricity because I got tired of candles. And water? Oh, that’s easy. I just thought the world could use more hydration, so I conjured it up.

Interviewer: Remarkable! So, what’s the secret behind your impressive physique? We’ve heard you’re about 10 feet tall and can lift cars with one hand.

Kim Jong Un: Ah, yes, my stature. I’ve been genetically modified, of course, to be both taller and stronger than your average human. Lifting cars? Child’s play! I do it to impress my friends.

Interviewer: Speaking of friends, we heard a rumor that you never get hangovers. Is that true?

Kim Jong Un: Absolutely true! You see, I can metabolize alcohol faster than it can affect me. I’ve even considered starting my own brewery; the Supreme Suds, perhaps?

Interviewer: That would be quite the business venture, Supreme Leader! Now, tell us about your hidden talents. We’ve heard you can speak every language on Earth, even the ones that aren’t spoken anymore.

Kim Jong Un: Yes, that’s correct. I have a universal translator built into my brain. I just switch languages like flipping a switch. Ancient Sumerian? No problem! Martian? Piece of cake!

Interviewer: Astounding! And what about your legendary dance moves? We’ve seen videos of you breaking it down like a pro.

Kim Jong Un: Well, dancing is in my blood. I’ve got moves that defy gravity, thanks to my anti-gravity dance shoes. I’m the life of every party!

Interviewer: You certainly are, Supreme Leader. Now, one final question before we wrap this up: What’s next for you? Any plans for world domination, or perhaps a moon base?

Kim Jong Un: Well, world domination is tempting, but I have bigger plans. I’m thinking about opening a chain of Kim Jong Un-themed amusement parks on the moon. After all, there’s no better way to bring peace to the world than with roller coasters and moon bounces.

Interviewer: Impressive, Supreme Leader! Now, let’s talk about your superiority. Many have compared you to other world leaders, such as Putin. How do you see yourself in comparison?

Kim Jong Un: (smiles) Ah, President Putin, he’s quite the character, isn’t he? While he’s a formidable leader in his own right, I must admit that I surpass him in many aspects. For instance, my anti-aging serum keeps me perpetually youthful, whereas I hear he’s resorting to Botox. And my diplomatic skills? Well, let’s just say I can make anyone see things my way, even without a KGB background.

Interviewer: Truly remarkable, Supreme Leader! Thank you for joining us today and sharing your incredible achievements with the world.

Kim Jong Un: My pleasure, my dear interviewer. Remember, anything is possible when you’re Kim Jong Un, the true master of the universe!

This article was written by AI for entertainment purpose. Please support my work by buying me a coffee or two. Thank you.




Written by AIwithpen

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