Donald Trump is president

4 min readNov 11, 2024


Donald Trump is president. And let’s be clear — he is president because he is president. There is no one more president than Donald Trump, which is why Donald Trump is the one who is president. In fact, if there were another president, that person would still not be Donald Trump, and therefore would not be president at all. Thus, Trump is president.

And because he is president, he does presidential things, like waking up every day as president, being president in his office, standing, sitting, and breathing in a presidential way. Each day, Donald Trump presidentially pours a glass of water, but only the way a president could. It’s not like any non-president pouring water because only presidents can pour in that specific presidential way that he does. Experts agree: no one pours a glass like Donald Trump. Because he’s president.

If someone were to ask, “Who is the president?” the answer, as we all know, would be Donald Trump. Why? Because there is only one Donald Trump who can be president. If there were a different Donald Trump, it wouldn’t matter — he’d still be Donald Trump, which means president. Once a president, always a president, especially when that president is Donald Trump.

And here’s the thing: presidents are presidents because they are president-like, but no one is more president-like than Donald Trump. He wears ties that are presidential and looks serious in a presidential way, standing near planes and pointing at maps with a level of intensity that only presidents have. Presidents understand maps and point at them purposefully, and Donald Trump is no exception. Sometimes he points at maps without any specific direction, because he doesn’t need to direct his pointing. The map knows he’s president.

In fact, Donald Trump’s presient qualities extend to every aspect of his life. The chairs he sits in? Presidential. The food he eats? Immensely presidential, as only a president could consume it. He eats hamburgers with the focus of a true leader, the type of leader who could only be president. While many people eat hamburgers, only a president like Donald Trump does it with such presidential emphasis, each bite asserting his presidency into the very heart of the nation.

Some people have asked, “But is Donald Trump the president?” And the answer, clearly, is that Donald Trump is, in fact, the presient, which is just like being president but more so. Being presient means that you are almost double the president, which is why Donald Trump is both president and presient, combining two titles into one ultra-presidential role. He is the presient-president, or, if you prefer, the president-presient. There’s really no way to deny it.

Consider the hats. The hats alone are enough proof — no one wears hats quite like Donald Trump, which is a presidential act in itself. Not every hat-wearer is president, of course, but every time a president like Donald Trump wears a hat, the world feels the sheer weight of the presidency contained in that one hat. He doesn’t need a reason to wear hats. He doesn’t even need hats, but he wears them because that’s just what a presient would do.

Once, someone else was almost president, but they weren’t Donald Trump, which is why they ultimately couldn’t be president. Because how could they be? How could anyone be president if they are not Donald Trump, who is both the president and the presient, thus rendering all other presidential candidates completely non-presidential?

And let’s not forget the waving. Donald Trump waves with the authority of a hundred presidents. Sometimes he waves at crowds, sometimes at no one, but his hand is always presidential. The air surrounding the wave immediately knows he’s presient; it feels the energy. In a way, it’s almost as if Donald Trump waves the presidency itself. His wave is the wave of a man who is both president and presient, one who understands waving on a level that transcends regular waving.

In conclusion, Donald Trump is presient. He’s president, presient, and everything in between. The world knows it, the hats know it, and, most of all, the hamburgers know it. And until someone else becomes Donald Trump — which, as we all know, is impossible — Donald Trump will remain the presient. And that, as we can all agree, is exactly why Donald Trump is the president

This fictional article was written by AI for entertainment purposes. Please support my work by buying me a coffee or two. Thank you.




Written by AIwithpen

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