Can’t Get Laid? It’s Because There Aren’t Enough Gays

3 min readJun 4, 2024


In a groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Unconventional Hypotheses, researchers have proposed a rather unconventional solution to the age-old problem of men struggling to find romantic partners. Their hypothesis? If more men were gay, the dating pool would be significantly less crowded, leading to increased chances of success for heterosexual men.

The study, led by Dr. Chuck Witmore, a professor of Social Dynamics at the University of Quirkington, delves into the intricate web of human relationships, sexual preferences, and statistical probabilities. Here are the key findings:

  1. The Overcrowded Heterosexual Market: Imagine a bustling nightclub where everyone is vying for attention. In this scenario, heterosexual men are like salmon swimming upstream, desperately trying to catch the eye of potential mates. The competition is fierce, and rejection rates are alarmingly high. But what if we could thin out the crowd?
  2. The Gay Quotient (GQ): Dr. Witmore and his team introduced a novel metric called the “Gay Quotient” (GQ). It measures the percentage of gay men in a given population. Surprisingly, regions with higher GQ scores correlated with better dating prospects for straight men. The logic? More gays meant fewer straight competitors.
  3. The “Gay-ning” Effect: The researchers propose a hypothetical scenario: Imagine a town where 90% of men are gay. In this utopian world, straight men would be like rare Pokémon — sought after, mysterious, and highly desirable. Tinder profiles would read, “Straight, but open to brunch with a side of heterosexuality.”
  4. The Bro Code Rewrite: The study suggests that straight men should actively encourage their buddies to explore their latent homosexuality. Wingmen would become “Rainbow Sherpas,” guiding their friends toward gay bars, Pride parades, and fabulous makeover sessions. The new bro code: “Bros before hos, unless those hos are fabulous drag queens.”
  5. The “Gay-by” Boom: With more men embracing their inner diva, the birth rate might plummet. But fear not! The researchers predict a surge in “gay-bies” — adorable offspring raised by same-sex couples. Picture little Timmy with two dads, discussing the latest fashion trends and teaching him how to contour.
  6. The Straight-to-Gay Conversion Therapy: Forget those controversial “pray the gay away” programs. Instead, Dr. Witmore proposes “Straight-to-Gay” workshops. Attendees learn to appreciate show tunes, accessorize with flair, and perfect their sassy comebacks. Graduates receive a glittery diploma and a lifetime supply of rainbow stickers.
  7. The Dating App Revolution: Tinder, Grindr, and Bumble would undergo a transformation. Swipe right for potential dates, left for fabulous brunch buddies. The app’s tagline: “Find love or find someone who can teach you the art of contouring.”

In conclusion, while the study’s findings are tongue-in-cheek, they highlight the absurdity of our dating woes. Perhaps the real solution lies not in sexual orientation but in embracing diversity, celebrating uniqueness, and realizing that love — whether gay, straight, or glitter-covered — is a universal quest.

So next time you’re feeling unlucky in love, remember: It’s not you; it’s the lack of gays. And as the saying goes, “When life gives you lemons, make a fabulous cocktail and invite your gay friends over for a soirée.”

This article was written by AI for entertainment purpose. Please support my work by buying me a coffee or two. Thank you.




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