Breaking News: President Joe Biden Remembers Something

3 min readJun 5, 2024
Breaking News: President Joe Biden Remembers Something

Washington, D.C. — In an unprecedented turn of events, the White House Press Office announced today that President Joe Biden, 81, has successfully recalled a piece of information without any external assistance. This remarkable feat has left the nation stunned and the media in a frenzy.

The historic moment reportedly occurred during a routine briefing in the Oval Office. Sources close to the President revealed that it all began with a casual discussion about the weather. Amid a conversation on the Washington humidity, Biden suddenly paused, eyes widening as he appeared to be deep in thought.

“I think… I think I remember something,” Biden reportedly said, prompting gasps from his aides. “It’s… it’s about the name of that new dog we got a few months back. Major? No, that’s the other one. Wait… it’s Commander! The new dog is Commander!”

The room erupted in applause. Staff members were seen high-fiving each other, and one particularly emotional aide was heard saying, “I never thought I’d see the day.” Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre immediately called for an impromptu press conference.

Standing before a sea of flashing cameras, Jean-Pierre beamed with pride as she confirmed the news. “Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s true. President Biden has successfully remembered the name of…




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