5 Steps How Joe Biden Remembered That He’s Actually a President

3 min read1 day ago
5 Steps How Joe Biden Remembered That He’s Actually a President

Being President of the United States is no small feat — it’s a job that requires focus, stamina, and, in Joe Biden’s case, the occasional friendly reminder that he is, in fact, the President. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll explore the exact process Joe Biden uses to keep track of the fact that he’s not just a guy giving speeches but actually the leader of the free world.

Step 1: The Daily Post-it Note

Every morning, Joe’s day begins with a time-honored tradition: his aides handing him a sticky note that reads, “You are the President of the United States.” It’s strategically placed on his coffee cup (decaf, of course). After all, nothing jogs the memory like a handwritten reminder that you’re running the country. Some days, it takes two or three Post-its for the message to sink in, but that’s just because the man is thorough.

Step 2: The Oval Office Surprise

When you wake up in a new place every week due to the unpredictable nature of presidential travel, it’s easy to forget where you are. So, Joe has devised a foolproof method: the “Oval Office Surprise.” Every time he steps into the office and sees that it’s shaped like an egg (his words), he gets a sudden flash of realization. “Oh right, I work here!” he says to…




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