10 Tips for Pretending You Understand Cryptocurrency

4 min read3 days ago
10 Tips for Pretending You Understand Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency: it’s everywhere. Whether you’re at a dinner party, stuck in an elevator with your coworker, or accidentally clicked on the wrong YouTube video, someone is bound to bring up Bitcoin, blockchain, or that random coin with a dog on it. But what if you have no idea what any of it actually means? Don’t worry. With these 10 tips, you’ll be able to pretend you understand cryptocurrency like a pro — without ever needing to Google “how does Bitcoin work?”

1. Master the Art of the Thoughtful Nod

Whenever someone mentions “Bitcoin,” just nod slowly and thoughtfully, as if you’re contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Add a well-timed “hmm, interesting” for extra flair. The key is to look like you’re deep in thought, even if you’re just wondering if you left the oven on.

2. Casually Drop the Word “Blockchain”

The word “blockchain” is your ticket to sounding knowledgeable. Use it liberally in any conversation about crypto. No one really knows what it is anyway. “Oh, it’s all about the blockchain technology,” you’ll say, as if you could totally build one yourself. (You can’t, but that’s not the point.)

3. Use “Decentralized” in Every Other Sentence




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